Monday, May 21, 2012

Day Five in Mhlosheni

We started our day with ladies and gentlemen of the Jerusalem ASCA project.
They shared about their works and their plans to improve upon their variety
of products.

Next we drove to a community managed environmental project. There we
learned how they are planting and harvesting crops and preventing soil

We then met with 8 Homebased Care givers and they shared their gratitude
for World Vision's involvement and training to help them take care of
patients with HIV/Aids.

It was also a day of 'goodbyes'. Goodbyes to grilled tomato and cheese
sandwiches, apple/grapetizers, off-roading in not-exactly all terrain
vehicles and most importantly, goodbyes to good friends. For a few, they
were old friends, for the others they were new friends. We are even more
securely anchored to the people of Mhlosheni and the amazing ADP staff - it
is truly an extension of home and we remain standing 'Side by Side'.

(Posted by Joie)